This episode was way less intense a little less interesting. Although it finished so fast. I was like, that's it?
We got a glimpse of the backstory during the war, I liked the plastic surgery twist. Although one would imagine you would need something else other than ID cards to board the ark (retina scan? fingerprints?).
They had to put in there some disgusting rape by one of the church's officials. If we didn't have enough of that in the real world... They could've said she had a boyfriend in the ark or something.
Father is back and I'm super glad, he's balancing the equation with the crazy mother.
Not sure if the kids will ever be won over, they know what happened, and know what she is, what she's capable of. Surely it won't be from that food, that bowl looked like nacho puke. No, thank you.
How about the nice cliffhanger at the end, survivors? Some escape pods perhaps? How can they even fight a so-called "necromancer", will they stay? Will they go?