What a movie. I knew nothing of it and it slapped me in the face. Hard.
Heavy-duty stuff hard to diggest. Bullying, teenage suicide, and high school life in general. Hardcore, I'm telling you. My highschool years resemble a walk in the park compared to this one, and it was easy.
Thank you to the director for giving us a happy ending, for a moment I thought we were not getting it. Ups and downs, sure, expected but I was clueless to what was going to happen in the end.
Strange things, as well, but I guess that's part of the Japanese culture I might not fully understand. Even if I've traveled two times and watched countless movies and shows.
The movie presents difficult topics and it does quite well. How does the Ishida keep that cool-looking hairstyle, c'mon dude! Jokes aside, don't come here looking for an easy-to-watch movie.
Long story short we need to treasure our friends, our relationships. We need each other to survive during our life here on Earth and sometimes we all might take other people for granted. We should acknowledge these friendships and value our time together. Not that I didn't know but this movie is a nice reminder.